Simple Truth and Simple Truth Organic ~Inspiring to those aspiring to eat more healthfully

There are a lot of products in this great new line at the Kroger family of stores.The last number I saw was over 140 products and growing. The fresh and simple packaging makes it easy to spot on the shelves and you can find Simple Truth and Simple Truth Organic in nearly every department of the store.

Just click this for their ever growing list ~ all neatly categorized.

New family favorite!

One of the first things I noticed on the shelves that was not in my bzzkit (Lucky me ! I received coupons and samples from BzzAgent dot com! ) was The Simple Truth Organic Margherita Pizza. Just the right amount of crisp and flavor and riding on the healthy wave I served orange slices with it. 
 Simple Truth and Simple Truth Organic products make riding the healthy wave a whole lot easier since they are "Free from 101" artificial ingredients and preservatives. Next time you are coasting your Kroger aisle looking for healthy stuff it just got a whole lot simpler.

                                   I AM A BZZAGENT



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