Dazzle everyone with Kroger's Private Selection line
BzzAgent Quarma (aka Kimberly S.) here to share more of my Kroger " Taste of Summer" adventure provided by bzzagent.com! This is my lovely bzzkit packed full of ideas and coupons - all that and a bag of Private Selections Sea Salt & Black Pepper chips! It took two trips to Kroger to manage to gather all four of the Private Selection (chips,Angus beef, pie and ice cream) ingredients as they were out of all the flavors of pie the first trip. Hmm very popular stuff! Since the Private Selection line offers such a variety of flavors this was just a great reason to come back and grab some more. On this trip I got to meet Joe - my friendly Kroger butcher who graciously went to the back to retrieve a package of Private Selection Angus Beef for me -
Charming and knowledgeable! He restocked the shelf with the standard sized packages as well. Neat trick - they all weigh the same. Saves time! The venture was successful! Feeling the spark I went with Private Selection Spicy Buffalo Kettle Chips and used Jack cheese on the Angus burgers. The selection of chips in the line is inspiring all by itself.
And more pie Surprised the Private Selection Six-Inch Montmorency Cherry Pie was so large. Surprised hubby too with pie in his lunch. It went great with both the Private Selection Crushed Vanilla Bean and Caramel Hazelnut Fudge Truffle ice cream flavors too. Thanks bzzagent.com and Kroger for the "Taste of Summer" adventure.I plan to continue on it ! :D
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