Multi -tasking ...maybe this''ll motivate the housework ~ The Workout you may already do!
I love this one. I did not rewrite any of it as I am not a fitness advisor. I did like it enough to share because it seems reasonable to me 10 minutes of certain housework is definitely working out!
Jan 10
to me
Welcome to the Tip of the Day!
See this on my Pinterest!
Everyday chores count. The American College of Sports Medicine and the
American Heart Association consider raking leaves and vacuuming as
moderate physical activity, as long as you are working for at least 10
minutes at a time! Your goal should be to accumulate at least 150
minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Small pieces of
activity count towards this goal as well. Consider 10-minute
increments three times a day. Let’s get cleaning!
Source: American College of Sports Medicine
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