Am I Smarterer? :D

I think I will learn a lot about the media I use taking the tests here and will be "smarterer" for it and my spellchecker is going to be very active if I keep typing smarterer :D Do you ever jump right into a site and use it for the purpose that attracted you then realize later there is a whole lot more to it? With "Smarterer" you take tests (I think they should have called them pop quizzes teehee) that measure your knowledge about popular media sites like BzzAgent ,Twitter ,Facebook et cetera and get scored. Then you can post your scores and compare them with your friends along with the stuff you learned about! You can also take and make tests about other stuff too! I tried out the coffee test.
I am very jazzed about this because I have a lot to learn and I Love To Share! And Learning How...I got a 585 on my first test (I chose bzzagent). These tests are short and move fast so give them your undivided attention! I am a proud BzzAgent and received this wonderful opportunity as part of a campaign from .


  1. Sounds like a cool site! I'll have to check it out. I'm always in need of being smarterer lol!

    Spilled Milkshake


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