Making the World Safe For Ducky With Zep

Loved having the opportunity to try out some new cleaning products from Zep! Especially getting the disenfectant action without all the toxic fumes. Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant is non-aerosol making it lots easier to use and I always think non-aerosol is better for any environment.

Motivation for cleaning is always good and I kept seeing the buzz about Zep from my fellow bloggers so I was jazzed when I was invited to try it out. It was a great reason to actually move all the stuff out of the shower and get busy although the following photo is a little embarrassing ....


It took no time to get everything cleaned up and disinfected  for my little buddy with Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. Not only does it clean and disinfect it deodorizes and kills Cold and Flu viruses aka Staph and Rhinovirus!


I also received "Zep All-Around Cleaner & DeGreaser"  which is my fave kind of product to keep handy ~ instead of digging through my row of specialized variety cleaners I just grab that Zep! Next target - Man Land ... maybe not so scary when I am armed with Zep :D

Check Zep Commercial out on Facebook !

Thanks CrowdTap and Zep for providing the complimentary products to fuel my cleaning adventures.

*DISCLOSURE* I received samples to try out however all opinions are my own

‪#‎ZepCleansters‬ ‪#‎Sponsored‬


  1. What a cute post! Thank you for sharing :) - The Crowdtap Team

  2. These products look great! I like that there are not all kinds of harsh smells but yet makes the bathroom feel clean!

    1. Hi Stacy Bolton - Zep has a LOT of different products and my experience with these make me want to try more :D

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Zsofi ~ I so agree that Zep is great because it does not contain toxic ingredients :D

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jessica Kingsley ~ Inspired by Zep and ♥DUCKY♥ :D

  5. cute rubber ducky, I love Zep products

    1. Hi Amanda Ripsam ~ Zep has some pretty cool products and I have a lot of ducks. We kinda collect them so when I saw the blue nail brush duck I bought it at Dollar Tree :D


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