
Showing posts from October, 2014

How To add Google Friend Connect to Your Google Blog

Rumors swirled last year about Google discontinuing this feature yet I still have mine. I have been curious because I find it the easiest way to connect with other blogs. I like to click on the blogs that supported me by following my blog and I find it a great way to discover new blogs on my friend's sites. I think it may have been discontinued for non Google platforms. I have a new blog friend who did not know about this feature so I went digging. Google wants us to use Google+ so adding that to your site was easy to find and my friend added that. Sorry darling - not quite the same thing. Google+ is fun however if I just want to see your blog posts they may get lost amidst everything else you may share. The Google Friend Connect feature was a little hard to find but it is still easy to add - and they simplified the title to Followers on the Gadget List.   First thing you do is go to your blog and click Layout Click on Add a Gadget Next click on More Gadgets ...

"Heart On My Sleeve" - Edgy Album by Mary Lambert

MARY LAMBERT IS AN ORIGINAL Starts out with a fun romp that has been getting lots of air play named "Secrets" . When I heard the song I agreed to do this blog post. Sets the tone that artist Mary Lambert will not be holding back! "Secrets" was released August 5, 2014 and the album "Heart on My Sleeve" is released October 14, 2014. You can grab it on :   AMAZON and iTunes by clicking :D ~~UPDATE~~ If you click through to You Tube you will find this fun little tidbit " Official music video for Mary Lambert “Secrets,” available now: Share and receive a #MarySecrets postcard by secretly telling the world your secret at    ~~  :D There are lots of surprises up Mary Lambert's sleeve and I find her bold and refreshing. One track "When You Sleep" is kind of disturbing so I keep listening. Its very pretty lyrically yet creeps me out in a good way. My favorite...

Silk and Cookies ~ with Silk Almond Coconut Blend

Silk and Cookies I'll be ready with Silk and cookies so I do not eat all the candy between trick or treaters. Discovering new beverages is a favorite pastime of mine  so when invited me to try out Silk Almond Coconut Blend I was delighted. It fits right in with my new health program . I should say continuous health program - I am always looking for new ways to enjoy some of my favorite things - just in a healthier way. I tried coconut milk from my local farmer's market as I kept hearing about all the wonderful things it does. It was missing the taste good thing. So this is a great way to baby step my way into the coconut health trend without missing a beat. I was going to write about all the fabulous properties of Silk Almond Coconut Blend then I had a brainstorm - I'll just show you the product info. Note that the Silk Almond Coconut Milk I chose only has 50 calories per serving (1 cup) and there is an unsweetened version with just 35 calories...

Putting it Out - I am Going to Quit Smoking

Other people can do it - why not me ? Intellectually I know smoking is bad ...bad...bad. Yet here I am puffing while I am writing this . I decided a good tool for me would be to blog about it and put it out in the world which ironically is a double entendre and a good motto for my quest. I need to gather my tools and thought I would ask the web for ideas. What worked...what did not ... why ideas worked and why they did not. Not very attractive   I took a big step yesterday and spoke with a coach supplied by my husband's insurance company and learned a lot. I check back in two weeks. I also made a goal to reduce my daily count of cigarettes from 22 to 15. Leap of faith - I do not know for sure how many I smoke a day so the first thing I need to do is establish an accurate way to keep count. I would definitely love a proven method someone has successfully used to do this!  I also started my denial and poohed a great idea that makes sense to me logically which is ...