Bulletproof Picasso by Train ~ "Happy Birthday Baby" to Me ~


 Bulletproof Picasso by Train bounces around from upbeat catchy tunes to ballads. It seems like the group was going through a reflective time . I tried to delve into the meaning of the album as a whole since I received it complimentary from Sony Music and One2One network to review . First time I have really explored an album this way. Usually I just hear a song and if I can not get it out of my head I go check out the band .

The more I listen perhaps it is just me being reflective. I love music that can make you feel things and reminds you of memories. The music is not all nostalgic ~ there is a feeling of hope and even some humor . A line in "Son of a Prison Guard" which is a melancholic song made me burst out laughing. Hmm should I share ...okay I will - "My mother bless her heart just set the bar too high to start". I am going to have to figure out which band member is from the South.

 I also love music you can sing to and dance to - there is a song called "The Bridge" that makes my left hand fly into the air and my fingers start snapping and I am really tempted to get up and start shaking what Mama gave me however it is really hard to write a blog while dancing.

The song I really keep going back to is the last track. "You can drown in the waters beyond your years" is a line from the last song called "Don't Grow Up so Fast" ~ I just love that line!

FYI -  On September 5, 2014 at 5 pm you can catch Train live on the QVC channel ! I wonder if I can set my DVR for that so I can tape it too.

Now that your curiosity is piqued I'll share how to pre-order Bulletproof Picasso:

          AMAZON                                                                      iTunes

Not all of the songs I have mentioned are available yet however I do have some fun little previews:

I think I am going to try some of the baby girl's moves !

If you wondered why I titled this "Happy Birthday Baby" to Me it is because the 11th track is called "Happy Birthday Baby" and my birthday is soon so this was like an early present ~ Thanks Train and One2One Network :D

Always love comments and feedback ~ tell me if you tried the little girl's moves!

I participated in the Train Bulletproof Picasso album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own.


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